Small Steps, Big Changes
Framework Family Mentor Service South
The SSBC vision is simple – to grow our children together with love and respect. Every aspect of the programme has children at the heart with parents (right from pregnancy) leading the way, supported and guided by experts. We give parents the opportunity to come together to share the joys and challenges of being parents and to learn from the experiences of others. We know babies and toddlers are very little but if SSBC ideas and activities are introduced when they’re little, children are more likely to be ready to start school, be happier at school and go on to do really well in life. For any child, the time their brain is developing the most is in these early years. All of our activities have been tried and tested by parents, and some have been developed by them too!
St Stephen with St Paul’s Church
We are a church where people of different cultures, backgrounds, ages and abilities grow together in faith and community knowing Jesus Christ as Lord. Our music group plays a variety of hymns and worship songs from a variety of traditions and in various languages.
Our activities include work with parents/carers and children, fortnightly small groups for bible study and prayer, a weekly prayer morning and a Bible study group for Farsi speakers.
Into University Central
Into University provides local learning centres where young people are inspired to achieve.
(0115) 978 1224
RS Resources
The Nottinghamshire RS Resource Centre moved into the Vine Community Centre at Easter in 2014 . We help schools in their teaching of Religious Education by offering a range of artefacts connected with the main faiths studied in schools.
We also offer Faith Experiences in schools, which is where we give a classroom a makeover into a representation of a place of worship, as requested, and work with young people to develop their understanding of the faith being studied. Each year we work with around 3,000 young people in schools from Northamptonshire to the Humber as well as in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and of course in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
As well as visiting schools we have also given talks to various interested groups.